2019 Chinaplas perfect ended See 2020

“CHINAPLAS” has been growing in China’s plastics and rubber industry for more than 30 years. It has developed into the largest rubber and plastics industry exhibition in Asia and has played a positive role in the development of China’s rubber and plastics industry. At present, “CHINAPLAS” is the world’s leading plastics and rubber industry exhibition. The industry is recognized as the second largest exhibition in the rubber and plastics industry.

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EUROMAP-approved China Rubber & Plastics Exhibition
Since 1987, “CHINAPLAS” has been supported by the European Plastics and Rubber Industry Machinery Manufacturers Association (EUROMAP) to support the exhibition. “CHINAPLAS 2019 Chinaplas” will be the 30th consecutive China Rubber Exhibition exclusively sponsored by EUROMAP.

EUROMAP has been actively implementing the exhibition policy. On the one hand, it provides a reliable reference indicator for global plastics and rubber companies to choose and participate in influential and high-quality rubber and plastics exhibitions. It can also curb some low quality in the industry. Exhibition. Every year, there are numerous rubber and plastics exhibitions around the world, and EUROMAP only supports some exhibitions in the industry. These exhibitions are international and high-quality exhibitions, including “K Exhibition”, “NPE Exhibition”, “CHINAPLAS International Rubber & Plastics”. Exhibition “etc.

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Plastic injection molds also showed great grace in this exhibition. The 2019 chinaplas exhibition ended perfectly. We will meet again in 2020 Chinaplas in Shanghai, China.

2020 chinaplas meet with you in shanghai

Post time: May-25-2019